
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree arrow_drop_down
High order compact finite difference schemes for fractional differential equations check Full Text
Wang, Zhi Bo, Vong, Seak Weng 2015. Doctoral
How does the heuristic anxiety caused marketing placebo effect influence purchase intention in food industry : An empirical study
Huang, Li Liu, Ting Chi 2022. Doctoral
Handheld CMOS-based NMR devices for biological/chemical diagnosis check Full Text
Lei, Ka Meng Mak, Pui-In 2016. Doctoral
High speed power/area optimized multi-bit/cycle SAR ADCs
Wei, He Gong U, Seng-Pan 2011. Doctoral
High order difference schemes for fractional differential equations check Full Text
Lyu, Pin Vong, Seak Weng 2018. Doctoral
How does historical firm performance influence the market's confidence in analysts' predictions check Full Text
Gong, Jian 何順文 2015. Doctoral
How do interpreting patterns implicate neurocognitive processing routes? evidence from English vs Chinese consecutive interpreting check Full Text
Liu, Xiao Dong Li, Defeng 2018. Doctoral
Hierarchical image segmentation via efficient image decomposition and texture characterization based region merging check Full Text
An, Ning Yu Pun, Chi Man 2014. Doctoral
How metabolic diseases are involved in tumorigenesis : possible links between hyperglycemia and lung cancer check Full Text
Cao, Yi Wei Wong, Rui Hong 2017. Doctoral
High-resolution passive and active-passive switched-capacitor delta-sigma modulator design techniques in nanoscale CMOS check Full Text
Hussain, Arshad U, Seng-Pan 2017. Doctoral
Total Results: 173

Showing 1 to 10 of 173 results